Friday, March 14, 2008

What's With These Women?

What is going on with these wives who accompany their husbands in public announcements about the jerk's infidelity. Rather than exposing the suffering spouse to public view of her pain, wouldn't it be more appropriate for the unfaithful public official to just take the hit? Ladies, let me hear what you really think?


Barri L. Bumgarner said...

I think women should be vocal and say how they feel about it, even if they choose to support their man...

How about some honesty!

Unknown said...

I wondered that, too, when I saw the picture of NY gov's wife beside him. Makes me think about Hillary standing beside her man ... think I'd have more respect for her if she had dropped him like a hot potato and didn't use her husband for political positioning.

KIM MOSER said...

I know what you mean. This is a tricky situation, though. I have learned that unless I'm in the shoes of the person, I probably don't have a clue what they're going through. It doesn't hurt to try and imagine how I'd feel and try to analyze the best way to behave, but I have learned from past experiences that how I imagine it just doesn't pan out. The way I thought I'd feel about the situation wasn't how I felt at all.

rabber said...

There is no way I would stand next to any man when he is admitting to infidelity. He needs to be responsible for his own poor choices and suffer the consequences by himself. He has already betrayed his family once.